Zero Suicide


What is Zero Suicide?

Zero Suicide is a culture of suicide prevention within behavioral health focused on safety.

Who is this service for?

Community members who reside in Culpeper, Fauquier, Madison, Orange, and Rappahannock counties.

Zero Suicide Logo at Encompass Community Supports

Zero Suicide

Our Agency uses this framework to take a comprehensive approach to suicide prevention. It includes things like outreach, training, leading, identifying, engagement, treating, transitioning and improving.

Zero Suicide includes ensuring that everyone knows they have a role to play in suicide prevention and enhancing the continuum of care for those at risk by prioritizing the reduction of barriers to care, and implementing universal screening, referrals, linkages and follow-up.

Stamping Out Suicide (S.O.S.) Event 2024

This is a free, community-wide event. NO RSVP is needed.
Friday, September 27 from 1 to 5PM
2nd Annual Stamping Out Suicide (S.O.S.) by Encompass Community Supports

Hazel Hall of Laurel Ridge Community College, Fauquier Campus
6480 College Street, Warrenton, VA

How to Contact Us:

To learn more about our Prevention Services, or to get involved, call (540) 825–3100.

Contact the Prevention Department:

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