Assistance to help share information about self-directed and agency supports for individuals 60 and up, or individuals 18 and above with a disability residing in our service area.
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A variety of services that will empower independent living for individuals 18 and above (and their families ) residing in our service area who have been clinically diagnosed with barriers that prevent them from living life independently.
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Partner-based support that provides education to enhance knowledge on mental health, and the prevention of suicide and substance use for everyone residing in our service area.
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Locations where adults 60 and above residing in our service area can socialize with their peers.
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Assistance to help share information about self-directed and agency supports for individuals 60 and up, or individuals 18 and above with a disability residing in our service area.
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Veterans Peer Services
* Encompass Community Supports’ service area consists of Culpeper, Fauquier, Madison, Orange, and Rappahannock Counties.