What is this service?
Training, support, coaching, and skill-building activities.
Who is this service for?
Adults with Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities (IDD) residing in Culpeper, Fauquier, Madison, Orange, or Rappahannock Counties.

Encompass Community Supports Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities (IDD) Day Supports, also known as Bridges, offer day support, skill-building activities, and community engagement and coaching opportunities for adults with intellectual or developmental disabilities. Bridges utilizes a person-centered approach to provide training and support options, including meaningful community activities, building connections in the community, community presence and engagement, community coaching, day support activities, and volunteer opportunities.
The goal of this support option is to provide services built on the principles of community presence and participation. This includes the fostering of individual choice, empowerment, skill-building activities, volunteer opportunities, joining clubs of interest, and building meaningful relationships in the community, health, and safety.
It offers activities designed to help individuals with such skills as daily and independent living, socialization, problem-solving, decision-making, self-advocacy, communication, fine and gross motor skills, and building natural supports within the community.
Support, assistance, and training occur during individual and group activities that take place at our predetermined sites or in the community.
How to Contact Us:
To learn more, please contact the Bridges Support Coordinators at (540) 825-3100.
Contact IDD Day Supports (Bridges):
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